Star Wars Comic – Skywalker Strikes (vol. 1)


The first Star Wars comics are starting to come out in trade paperback, which is good news for me as that’s the format I prefer to read in. The first I got my hands on was Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes. As you can see from the top picture, “Star Wars” is the prominent part of the title which I take to mean that this is their main comic series as it’s not following one particle character, like their Lando or Darth Vader comics.


The comic follows the main trio in their adventures shortly after A New Hope. Fresh from their victory after blowing up the Death Star, Princess Leia wants to press their advantage, but can the Rebellion afford the time and resources to do so? They have had to abandon their base of operations after all.

The comic starts off by getting our favourite heroes into a lot of trouble, which isn’t too surprising, and shows us that the comic will certainly be getting the action right. There were some great action moments, the ones involving an AT-AT Walker being my favourite, and there were a few lines between Han and Leia that I appreciated .


For me, I started to properly get interested in the characters after the first main action sequence had taken place and they were in relative safety. It was almost as if the comic needed a bit of a run up before it truly got settled into Star Wars.

For me, there were two stars of this comic. The first was Darth Vader. He felt like a menacing presence when he arrived, a true threat, and that’s how Darth Vader should be portrayed. Straight away this comic had him nailed. The second star is the art work. I loved the art. The characters were captured perfectly and there was a lot of attention to detail which made for some great panels.


Overal, the comic had a good start that got better as the volume progressed. I, for one, will be getting volume two as soon as it comes out. I hope that the artist, John Cassaday, stays on this series, as I really like how he draws Star Wars.

I recommend checking this out if you’re a Star Wars fan and are hoping to find some new material to get your hands on.

The writer for the comic is Jason Aaron, the artist is John Cassaday, and the colourist is Luara Martin.

How about you, what Star Wars comics have you been reading? And what’s been your favourite so far? Let me know here in the comments, or on my Twitter. Let’s chat Star Wars! And remember, the Force will be with you, always.

5 thoughts on “Star Wars Comic – Skywalker Strikes (vol. 1)

  1. I seem to remember Star Wars comics from my youth, at a time when comics weren’t considered nerdy, just fun! I do know that I have some Star Trek comics somewhere in among the things that I save from my childhood…maybe I should find them again. Loved them too bits back then, with the dashing Captain Kirk.

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  2. Yes, Star Wars comics have a new life now, new stories are being told. I have a friend who recently drew the comic book Star Trek/Planet Of The Apes. She did some lovely Kirk pictures.


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